Monday, 18 March 2019

Is there anybody out there or am I just talking to myself?

Once again I am making contact with the outside world.
Is this wise? Who knows… I guess I’ll find out.
But I have to overcome this creative impasse and a part of that is to start communicating again – even if it is uninteresting or what I consider to be below par I must forge on regardless.
I wonder why I have taken on this formal tone and way of speaking. Perhaps it is the influence of Lemony Snicket.
Aha! Trap number one closes above my head – and I have fallen into it ON THE VERY FIRST PAGE!!! The desperate referencing of those that I admire in an attempt to legitimise myself.
Have you swallowed a dictionary? Was it bon mots cereal for breakfast?
I will ignore your interruptions; it is all coming out now, good or bad – life changing or positively mediocre. I just desperately hope that out of the reams of mediocre content that I am sure to generate, there will be one gem that transcends existence, mine specifically, and has an impact on others.
You can hope, you can dream…
Yes, I can – who told you that you were even invited to this page? Go to sleep and leave me alone!!!
Right, onward. If you have never met me before well hello and I hope that you find my company and creations in some way entertaining. If you have met me hello again and I hope that you enjoy this part of the journey, which will probably re-visit other parts which you may already know because I am trying to make sense of it all. To throw something into that endless pointless existence of nothingness before it is too late and all is turned to dust.
So, you find me bleak? Dark perhaps, uncomfortable? Welll get used to it. I have had to!
So a little background on where I am – I am trying to restart my creativity, to reignite the fire – after life’s events and my own disappointments have severely blindsided me and pushed me off a virtual cliff edge.
I went 8 months without writing a single piece of music – and for someone who is a musician and a songwriter and a composer – or who at least says that they are – this was a disaster.
This disaster was brought about by my total disappointment after the complete lack of impact of my first album. Just complete and utter deafening silence followed its release. And I made things worse for myself with my lack of ability to collaborate with others and the fact that I got totally stumped with this media branding business. I just could not work out how I was going to unite all the disparate parts of my life and personality into one brand that was cohesive. Well rubbish to that. I don’t care anymore. In fact I intend to do the exact opposite and in the process explore identity itself – a subject that I have long been fascinated by.
Ha! Such lofty ideals! Can’t wait to see you fall flat on your pretentious face!
Also, my extreme difficulty in promoting myself and the ugly feeling I get when I have to do the me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me (You get the idea) thing.
This is me holding a hairdryer
This is me looking at you
This is me looking at me, imagining that I am looking at you
This is something about me, in case you forget about me, in the moment between now and the next moment before I pop my face up again in your face etc.
Don’t get me wrong, I admire those that can do it greatly. I look longingly at their accounts full of beautiful content and then back to my own paltry offerings.
But, just like everything else in my life, I’ll have to do it my way.
(FYI background music at this point – Sid Vicious singing My Way)
Enough! My creativity has also been greatly impacted by the life events of those I love. I can’t say more than that but needless to say that watching them suffer and be destroyed has not made me feel joyous and hopeful. It has made me feel empty and depressed. But I cannot use this as an excuse any more. I MUST MOVE FORWARDS.

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