Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Cherry Scream CD Dream Realised!

I am so pleased to announce that I have a CD available to buy! The CD features songs that I wrote as Cherry Scream and I am so excited that it is finally finished! These songs were recorded all the way back in January 2015 by Rhys Nord with my Cherry Scream band mates at the time: Barny, Max, Dean and Declan. I soon realised that I needed to get the songs professionally mixed in order to fully complete them so I set about earning the money to pay for that to happen. I have worked really hard to set myself up as a self-employed musician and through my piano teaching I was finally able to raise the money to pay for the mixing and production of the CDs. Although it has taken me a long time to reach this point I am really proud of what I have achieved. If you keep the flame of your dream alive in your heart and keep taking action to make it a reality then you will achieve what you have set out to do! I hope that everyone is happy with the final result and that you enjoy listening to it! 

My CD Release commemorative plaque from CD Baby!

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